Putting patients and staff firstin your healthcare facilities
SBC is one of the leading providers in Healthcare Building Energy Management Systems. We provide safe and smart solutions which optimise building efficiency, increase energy savings, reduce the potential of HAI’s and deliver healthier facilities. Make your buildings health a Key Performance Indicator.
Why choose SBC
Demanding times need a flexible, proven and rapidly deployable offering to help you deliver your objectives. We have a comprehensive, end to end solution which ensures your healthcare facility is operating efficiently at all times.
Reduce Operational Costs
Let us help you to ensure your BEMS is optimised and running efficiently without the need for additional intervention. We will help you reduce energy and operational costs, often remotely, at no detriment to uptime.
Deliver the bigger picture
Embed 'wellbeing' into your day to day behaviours in order to meet industry standards and improve patient and staff productivity, comfort and mental health.
Improve Air Quality
We measure, manage and control air quality so you don't need to worry about it. This has a huge impact upon the general health of your buildings.
Compliance is key
We ensure your systems are compliant and operating effectively at all times within industry guidance provided by REHVA and CIBSE; in respect of Legionalla, Cyber security, Air quality etc.
Always on
In challenging times you need to make the most of every asset you own. The SBC BEMS will ensure your operating theatres, recovery rooms and critical spaces, in fact your entire hospital state, is always fit to purpose 24/7/365.
Don't just take our word for it
Connected healthcare